The Passage

It’s been nearly 2 years since I sat in the quiet living room of the old house and listened to the story of my betrayal. I watched the sun disappear behind clouds of grief and unbelief. And my world went dark in an instant.

And in the remembering, I’m taken back to those initial moments. Those early days and months when all I felt was despair, grief, and sadness. Tears were a near constant companion. I remember laying on the floor, not wanting to go on.

When I compare that woman to who I am today, I can hardly believe that it’s the same person. But I believe that the only reason I’m where I am today is because I fully stepped into the grief. I didn’t bypass it. Spiritualize it. Try to explain it away as a part of God’s plan for my life. Instead, I full stepped into the grief and allowed myself to stay there for as long as I needed.

Grief as a passage

We live in a culture that has all but done away with grief rituals. We learn instead to hide what we feel. To put on masks and go out into the world as if nothing has happened. It’s no wonder so many people remain sad and miserable. Suffering from depression that never seems to go away. You cannot get to the other side if you don’t first walk through the passage of grief.

For me, I had to fully step into the grief and feel it all. And while I wrestled for months, trying to decide what to do, I learned to live with the questions and the loss. Made that in-between place of confusion and loss my home for a while.

I found things that soothed me and stayed close to them. Got out into nature every day that the weather permitted. I talked to trees and cried with the creek. Let the sunshine touch my face. Met every sunrise with a cup of steaming coffee and hunted for sea shells. I picked up a pen and I wrote and wrote and wrote. Pouring out my soul in private journals and sharing glimpses of the journey with all of you. Continued my mediation practice and moved my body with yoga. And I nourished myself with home-cooked meals made from scratch. Using raw ingredients from Mother Earth and turned them into plates of nourishment.

And then one day, I just knew. I knew what I wanted. I was terrified and relieved at the same time. But mostly relieved. As soon as I started taking one step forward, more steps appeared with startling clarity. And my grief, sadness, and depression were gone. Not saying I never felt them again because it still comes and goes at times. But the overall sense of the grief and loss were gone.

The steps to fleshing out that plan and building the new life I wanted were not easy. But watching the pieces fall into place bit by bit once I bravely embraced the new path has been astonishingly beautiful.

the other side of grief

I fully stepped into grief, as a passage, and now I find myself on the other side. Where I’ve built a new and beautiful life. Today I own a beautiful home that hums with healing energy. It’s surrounded by grass and trees, filled with plants and gifts from Mother Earth. It reflects who I am in ways no other home has done. It’s near the beach and I walk the shores frequently, sand crunching beneath my feet while the waves rush to kiss my toes. This place is full of sunshine and warm days, palm trees, and friendly folks who say “y’all.” My kids come to see me often. And while I miss seeing them frequently, the time we now spend together is so special.

I’ve met someone with a most beautiful heart, who sees me in ways I’ve never been seen before. My nervous system is relaxed with him and I know I am home.

Some folks look at me thriving and tell me I’m blessed. And while this is true, I can also say with surety that it didn’t just happen. I made choices. Took risks and put in the work. I knew with clarity what kind of life I wanted and then I set out to build it. It hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it.

Grief is inevitable because loss is a part of the human experience. It’s what we do with that grief that makes all the difference in what kind of life we will have moving forward. Unprocessed or unacknowledged grief can come out as trauma responses, hurting ourselves and those around us. Getting stuck in grief can lead to depression and anxiety. But moving through grief, as a passage, makes it possible to someday emerge on the other side and build the life your heart is pulling you towards.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Promises of Love

Soon after I re-entered the dating world, posts and reels began to come across my feed. Promising to provide the magical words to say to keep a potential partner interested. Words to say if they were pulling away and you wanted them back. Words that would tie them to you forever. So that the right person would fall in love with you forever.

These ads all started with an alluring story or a glittering promise. Enough substance to pull me in and make me read to the end of a very long post, only to discover I had to sign up for a course. Or buy a book.

It was all very glittery and compelling. Especially after a particularly disappointing interaction that ended with me being ghosted by a guy I really liked. So I began to question who I was and how I was showing up. I didn’t know what I was doing. The dating world I discovered in my 50s was not at all like it was in my 20s. And here were all these experts who had a magical answer. A golden key to quickly help me find the person I was looking for.

Magical words

I confess I even broke down. Bought a book in the middle of a long night when I couldn’t sleep. Read the whole thing. Only to find more promises if I bought a few more books. Without giving me the magical words the author had so clearly promised in the beginning.

I was a lot more skeptical after that. Decided I wasn’t going to spend any more money on false promises. Dated a couple more guys and suddenly I was very glad there weren’t any magical words in that first book. Because all it took was a little time and one guy who had a lot more character for me to realize that all the ones who had let me down were clearly not the ones for me. And if I had taken the advice of all those expensive love advisors, I would have ended up with the wrong person. Not to mention an empty bank account.

True love

Here is what I discovered about love. When you have gone on a healing journey and love the person you have become. Let go of the past and forgiven those who wronged you. When you are truly standing in wholeness and are living in authenticity, finding love is not an exhausting mind game. You don’t have to present yourself just right. Or find magical words to say. You will naturally attract the right person to you.

And the right person will fall in love with the real person you are, without even trying.

This is not to say that there’s not good advice out there. Or that it doesn’t matter how you present yourself. But today’s dating culture is furiously full of mind games. And there are lots of traps along the way. That cost time and money and slowly chip away at your confidence.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If you are one of the brave ones who has put yourself back out there, I want to encourage you that there is hope. You can buy books and sign up for magical love classes but beware of anything that promises an easy path to love. Or makes you play a part in a mind game.

Attracting love

Focus, instead, on becoming the person you want to be. Build a life that sustains you. Learn how to feed your own hunger and dry your own tears. Embrace who you are with love and tenderness. Dig deep into healing. Do the hard work of becoming the best version of yourself. And keep doing it, no matter how many people swipe right or left on you. Be willing to wait for one who checks all the boxes. Don’t settle for crumbs when you deserve a whole feast.

And if you’re left hanging.



Let them go. You will never have to beg the right one to come back.

The right one will love you effortlessly. And you will find a kind of magic that defies logic and heals all the tired scars in your beautiful soul that you have mended and tended to for all those years on your own. The right one won’t keep you up at night, wondering how you should respond or feeling like you’re walking on eggshells. You will be able to relax fully into who you already are.

Because the right person will fall in love with the real person you are, without even trying.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Two Things

I was talking with a friend recently about her husband’s betrayal and realized again how two things can be true at the same time. I don’t know if you have ever experienced this type of betrayal or not. But if you have, perhaps you felt like I did. That you must not have truly been loved. Or valued.

For me, the betrayal made me question everything good that I had ever believed we had in the relationship. Made me doubt that I had ever been loved. Made all the good memories nearly unbelievable. Undermined every single aspect of our relationship.

But somewhere along the way, I had the realization that two things can be true at the same time. You can be truly loved by someone and betrayed by them. Your partner can be genuinely attracted to you and attracted to someone else at the same time.

two things can be true at the same time

We are not all wired the same way. For some of us, this concept just does not make sense. And we would rather cheat on our own self then cheat on our partner. We find it more palatable to sacrifice pieces of our own self and our happiness, rather than disappoint or hurt the other person.

Which leads to another hard truth that I have had to admit to myself.

I cheated on my self before I was ever cheated on.

cheating on myself

Let me say that again for all those in the back who didn’t catch it the first time.

I cheated on my self before I was ever cheated on.

What I mean by this is that I was not true to my own self long before my partner was not true to me. Looking back from this vantage point, it’s so easy to see. How many times I sacrificed good and necessary parts of myself because I wanted to make my partner happy. Wanted him to have a life where he could thrive. Because I believed that love and sacrifice were synonymous. That love cost everything and was, in many ways, painful.

Which leads down a rabbit hole of religious trauma and a god who brings pain and asks so much of me that I loose my will to live. But we are not going down that rabbit hole today.

My point is, I betrayed myself before I was betrayed. Because I thought that is what love it about. Completely abandoning myself for the sake of another. And in reconciling all of these painful truths, I realized that two things can be true at once.


He cheated on me and broke my heart. And I cheated on myself.

He betrayed me. And he loved me.

He wanted to be with me. And he wanted to be with someone else.

He was with someone else. And it had nothing to do with any lack within me.

The list could go on and on. But I hope you get the point. And, if you are struggling with a betrayal of some kind, I hope it is helpful to you to realize that two things can be true at the same time.

It has helped me to let go. Relax the corners of my mind that like to hold on to certainty and logic. That fixate on one aspect and cannot see anything else. I’m learning to relax into the flow of life instead. Without having to understand everything. Or control outcomes. Because my new vantage point has given me the beautiful perspective of a new start. One that has given me the opportunity to build a life that is true to who I am. One where I am committed to never betraying my self again. A life that is true to the core of who I am. So I can be all I am meant to be

So I acknowledge the strange duality that has made itself known to me. While relaxing into the ancient wisdom of my body and learning new ways of being in the world. Handcrafting a life that honors all the things this body craves and needs to flourish.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

The Gift

Perhaps the most beautiful thing that comes from having your life completely shattered is the chance to rebuild. Weaving together people and places, values and practices, with deep intention. In many ways, I feel like I have truly been born again. At 50, I’ve been given a chance to create something I was not ready to create all those decades ago when I thought I had all the answers.

The gift of starting over was not always seen as a gift. Nor has it been easy. But after the ashes settled and the tears dried, I came to realize that there is something incredibly beautiful and powerful about choosing the life you want. Crafting it with deep intention. I’ve come to realize how powerful the mind is. And how much I have limited myself in the past. By defining my worth based on the reality I perceived rather than defining my reality by the things I know deep within my psyche.

you can do hard things

When my kids were younger and would come to me, complaining about something difficult in their lives – usually some task I had asked them to do that they did not want to do – I would agree with them. Yes, it’s hard. But then I would remind them of this. You can do hard things.

You see, the things we tell ourselves are powerful. And with our beliefs and our words, we can either put obstacles in our own path. Or we can clear the path for ourselves. Or create a new path around the obstacles. For better or worse, our words and beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies.

For example, if I tell myself something is going to be hard, it will most certainly be hard. But if I change the narrative and remind myself that I can do hard things, I am much better equipped to face the challenge head on and emerge feeling better about myself than before.

keeping it real

One area where this is currently showing up in my life is on the dating apps. So yes, to all of you who have been wondering, I am putting myself out there again. And I can affirm that every time I have complained that the dating apps suck, they suck even more. On the other hand, when I have truly believed in my own worth, some pretty interesting things tend to unfold.

While I’m sure you would love to know all the juicy details, for now I will tell you that I am learning a lot. And having fun in the process. I may or may not meet the man of my dreams on an app. But one thing I know for sure is that every conversation I have. Every person I meet up with. Is all a part of a beautiful exchange that is teaching me so much. About myself. About the kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Giving me a chance to practice speaking up for myself. Setting boundaries. Stepping even more fully into my power.

Oh I’m collecting some pretty good stories along the way and perhaps one day I will regale you with them. I’ve also had my heart broken and felt old wounds ripped open again. But I’m standing taller than ever before. Because I know myself even better than I did before these stories unfolded in my life.

I met myself in 2023. And it was glorious. Life changing. And I am done giving my heart away for crumbs of affection. I’m holding out for the whole damn feast. There are no failed relationships. Only stepping stones to a better one.

unleash your power

So is it hard putting yourself out there again at 50? Hell yeah. But I can do hard things, and so can you. It’s scary, but that means I get to practice being brave. It’s also fun, beautiful, and empowering. And I get to meet so many interesting humans.

For those of you who find yourself in a situation that you know is not right for you, but you are too scared to leave, let me remind you of this. Darling, you can do hard things. Life is too short to survive on crumbs when you could have a feast. And you have all that it takes to get yourself out of your stuck place. The resources for that glorious feast are all around you. Break out of the prison you’ve let yourself be trapped in, for the key is already in your hand. Unclench your fists and breath in the love that has never and will never let you go.

Then live. Like never before. With intention. Clarity. Purpose. Unleash the power of your mind by believing in your worth. Never settle for crumbs when there is an entire feast waiting for you. Believe.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Ending Well

We all know by now that relationships are hard and messy. They require a lot of work and effort. When they blow up or don’t work out, it’s easier to just exit quickly and never look back. Ending well is difficult. Those months in between the time I found out about the cheating and our divorce were long and hard. Yet, when the morning of our final hearing dawned, we sat together outside the magistrate’s office, waiting our turn. Talking and laughing like old friends. Because somehow, in spite of all that had transpired, we were still friends. In fact, after it was all said and done, we tried to take a photo of the two of us with angry faces. But we ended up laughing every time. Not because our ending was funny. For it was not. But because we had found a way to hold on to friendship.

Not everyone gets to experience this. Both parties have to be willing to do the hard work of ending well. I’m very grateful that Austin was willing to show up for this process. And while I don’t have a concise how-to list for you, there are a few things I have learned from our journey that I want to share with you. They may or may not apply to your story. Take what is helpful and leave the rest.


I wrote briefly about forgiveness in an earlier post. For me, this had to happen before the answer of whether or not to stay in the marriage became clear to me. And I think the timing was profound. It may not work this way for everyone, but the answer did not come to me until I realized I had forgiven him.

I wish I could give you steps on how to make this happen. But I cannot. I have struggled my whole life to forgive those who hurt me. It is not something that comes easily for me. I have a strong sense of justice and fairness. And this was anything but fair.

I do know that time away helped. As did talking to my amazing therapist and friends. But I had to face a whole lot of darkness on my own. Not bypassing it by “giving it to the Lord” or choosing to immediately say I forgive. Spiritual bypassing is a harmful practice, in my opinion. Rather, I completely entered the darkness. Sat with it. Listened to my anger. Let it move through me. I went on long walks and let Mother Nature help carry my pain. I foraged for Turkey Tail Mushrooms, brewed tea and gave my body plant medicine. Instead of focusing on forgiveness, I focused on fully facing my pain and finding ways to heal. And then the forgiveness came.

And after the forgiveness came, my body and mind were in alignment and I knew what I needed to do.

Letting go

Ending well is only possible if you are able to let go. Let go of regrets. Let go of the other person. And let go of the future you thought you were going to have. That’s a whole lot of letting go. And it’s not easy. But you can approach it as a practice. A new habit that you are trying on, that gets easier the more you practice it.

It helps to have a trusted friend to talk to. Writing can also be a good way to put feelings into words and let them out. Just don’t make your soon-to-be ex the person you process this with. Not that you should never talk with them about it. But just make sure they are not bearing your disappointments on top of navigating their own.


It’s so important to have clear short-term agreements. From lodging to money, kids to pets. You will be spending a lot of time sorting through big agreements if you are filing for divorce. But the time in between is important too. So take some time to think about what you will need and then ask for it. Maybe you need him to move out but come by in the evenings to help with the kids or give you a night to hang out with a friend. Maybe you need her to come to a therapy session with you. Perhaps you want to set aside part of every weekend to start going through the house and dividing up assets.

Take time for those difficult conversations. Don’t make assumptions. Do you still expect the other person to be monogamous? Who is going to make the house payment? What kind of boundaries do you need for your own sanity?

Think forward

One of the things that helped me the most was to picture us at Christmas a few years down the road. To really envision what I wanted us to look like. What I saw was a big happy blended family. The kids and their partners. Both of us with new partners. All of us around a big table loaded with good food, holding our bellies in laughter. That image kept me going in so many ways. Motivated me to navigate the present so that we would all want to be in the same room again someday.

We’ve not been perfect parents. Didn’t raise a perfect family. But there was always so much love and that doesn’t change with a divorce. The kids are still so important to us and I want us to always be able to laugh together. We get to define what family looks like. It’s not just flesh and blood.

One of the last pieces of furniture I bought for my new home was a table and chairs. It had to be special. Had to be big enough. Had to have a special feeling to it.

And I found just what I was looking for. I sit at it now, three times a day. Alone. And I soak up the quiet around me. I cook for myself a couple times a week and eat lots of leftovers. Some days it’s a little too quiet and I miss what we had. But the beautiful thing about ending as friends is that we can still be family. And that is more important to me than pushing for the highest dollar amount I could get in a settlement or holding on to any regrets or even trying to control his future.

My marriage is done. That chapter is completely closed and I am okay with that. But I rather love our quirky little family. And it’s not done growing yet. The table I bought has a leaf that I removed. Stored in my little laundry closet. Someday the kids and the grand kids and all their grandparents will sit around the extended table. And we’ll spill some curry as we listen to the latest escapades. And laugh till we cry while we wait for the apple dumplings to cool. We’ll remember what we once were. And we will have no regrets about what we have become.

For more tips on how to end well, I highly recommend Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Mixed Orientation Relationships

I have heard many times that our story gave hope to couples in similar situations. So I imagine that the ending of our marriage has brought up a lot of questions for some of you regarding your own relationship.

I still believe that mixed orientation relationships can work. Just because ours did not work out in the end, does not mean yours will not. I think, however, there are some key factors to consider, which include honesty, authenticity, and integrity.


If you want the best chance of your relationship working, experience has taught me that honesty is vital. Learn to be honest from the beginning. It is not fair to your partner if you hide this part of yourself. They deserve to know the real you. Every day you hide it, it becomes a bigger piece of negativity between you because you wouldn’t hide something you believed was positive in your life. And if you can’t see it as something positive in your life, perhaps any relationship should be put on hold until you heal this relationship with your own self. This duplicity sets the stage for both of you to have a hard time accepting it when it does come out.

And it will eventually come out in some way, shape, or form. When you hide something, it’s still there. And the amount of energy you expend to suppress it will take a toll on your relationship.

In the months leading up to when Austin came out to me, I knew something was going on. Could feel it. Our relationship was not in a good place. Something was there, but I just didn’t know what it was. As hard as it was to know the truth, a sense of relief came with it. I was glad to finally know what was going on.

But I have always wished he could have been honest with me from the beginning. I deserved to know this vital part of him. And I deserved to decide for myself whether I wanted to be in a mixed orientation marriage or not.

The other piece of advice I have for those who are on the fence about coming out to your partner is in the form of a question. A question that comes from the assumption that your hesitancy is borne from fear that you may loose your partner if you are honest. I understand that there may be many other reasons for your hesitancy. But my question is this.

Do you deserve to be with someone who loves and accepts all of you? Perhaps, in your fear, you are selling yourself short. If your partner cannot handle the truth, are they really someone you want to be with? Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

If you are out to your partner, honesty is just as vital in your relationship. It plays a key role in navigating tough topics such as expectations and needs regarding monogamy, open relationships, and so much more.

That being said, I understand that there are reasons why some choose to never come out to their partners. In the end, you have to do what is best for you and I cannot judge you for that. This is simply my perspective as a former straight spouse.


While honesty has to do with revealing who you are, authenticity is more about becoming who you are meant to be. It is about creating a life for yourself that flows instead of being forced or hidden. Authenticity is about embracing all that you are and bringing forth the light and love that is in you. It is about working on yourself. Not to fit into a mold of some kind. But working on yourself to be the very best person you can be. It requires honesty. But perhaps it is an honest answer to the question of how you can best love yourself. It is digging in and getting to the core of the beautiful soul that you are and embracing it.

If I were a flower, honesty would be saying that I am a rose. Authenticity would be building the best flower bed possible and filling it with nutrient dense soil so that the rose bush can flourish.

Your relationship will only flourish to the level of your authenticity.


Honesty and authenticity set the stage for the best possible relationship. But integrity is about the way you handle yourself as you dance on that stage. It’s about being in alignment with your truth. Keeping the promises you made to your self and each other. And having the courage to look at those promises if they are no longer working.

Integrity is how you present yourself. It’s showing up as the best version of yourself, whether anyone is watching or not. And it is about never forgetting that the best moves in this dance of life are only possible on the stage of honesty and authenticity.


One more thing worth noting here is that the needs of each of you are equally important. If one of you is suppressing needs because the other can’t or won’t honor those needs, it will be impossible for your relationship to flourish. It is not enough to put in the work to make the other person happy, if your own needs are not being met.

This is where some tough conversations may come in. Keep honesty, authenticity, and integrity by your side. Be brave enough to ask the hard questions. Are you able to give your partner what they need and still be in integrity with yourself? Can your partner truly give you what you need, if they wish to remain authentic?

In the end, for us, it wasn’t really about the cheating. Yet the cheating acted as a wake up call and showed us where we were not living in alignment with these core principals of honesty, authenticity, integrity and equality. There were areas we both needed to be honest about. There were things each of us needed in order to live in authenticity. And we reached the point where we could not provide those things for the other and still be true to ourselves.

For us, returning to honesty, authenticity, and integrity allowed us to navigate the ending of our marriage in the best possible way. Without bitterness or hatred. These practices did not negate the grief or sadness, but helped us, rather, to navigate through all the feelings that came up.

No matter what type of relationship you find yourself in, I hope you will be brave enough to show up honestly, authentically, and with deep integrity. It is the best gift you can give yourself.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Sparkles in My Pocket

I love the early morning quiet. The sky barely awake, slowly dipping a toe out from under the covers of night to let the first rays of pink softly peak through. This morning I was the only person visible for a good half mile. Bare toes kissing the sleepy sand beneath my feet under the Quarter Moon sky.

These early morning rituals keep me grounded. Remind me of my place of belonging in the glorious scheme of life. And of my power to create the life I desire to have.

Perhaps I needed my life to completely break apart in order to fully realize that I don’t have to keep following the scripts that were once handed to me. Scripts that were intended to keep a system alive and well. But had very little to do with keeping me alive and well. I see that now.

Yet I have no regrets for the life I have lived to this point. And I have embraced the shattering that came to me because it brought me things I didn’t even know I needed.


This blog began as the story of my life as wife of a bi guy. And while that is no longer the platform of my life, it is still true that I once was the wife of a bi guy. And like the beautiful bits of shells that inevitably make their way into my pockets when I walk the beach, the past 25 years have left me with pockets full of sparkles. There are still so many words left for me to weave together so here we are. Starting anew in some ways.

I’m still here and I don’t need to be married to have legitimacy or a voice. I’ve laid down that script. And if you have followed my blog for the past few years, you will know I’ve been on a journey of self-realization. I’ve discovered my worth, while navigating the feelings of not being enough.

So now that the boxes are all unpacked and this house in Georgia has turned into home, let me pull out one of the sparkles in my pocket to share with you.


There is much about uncoupling that I hope to eventually write about. But for now, I want to encourage you if you are sitting in a place of questions, filled with uncertainty and loss. Hang on. This is normal. Inevitable. It is a season and you get to set the tone for it.

Loss hollows us out with its sharp and cruel edges, carving huge chunks out of us. Our natural response is to try and fill that void. Anything so we don’t have to feel that pain and emptiness. The harder path here, is that of listening to the pain. Sitting in the void. Acknowledging and bearing witness to it.

Unclench your hands and hold them over your heart instead. Let your palms listen to your heartbeat and remember that life is pulsing through you. Feed your soul instead of working yourself into a frenzy trying to stop the pain and fill the void. Don’t avoid the questions, for they are your roadmap to a place where you will be able to breathe more deeply and see clearly again.

The void always has a gift, if only we are willing to still ourselves long enough. Be brave enough to fully face it. Quiet enough to really listen. For in the center of the loss, there is a piece of you. The you that you will be when this is over. If you run from this loss, fill the void with glitter to distract or numb, you will miss ever meeting that glorious piece of you.

I see the sparkle that you will be again someday. Steady on, dear one. You got this.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

Re-finding Home

Getting into my car for the long ride to Georgia was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. We had just spent our last weekend together with a circle of friends. They lovingly surrounded us and led us in a quiet ceremony to mark the ending of our 25 years together. After tying our hands together they had us sit facing each other. We each spoke words of love and letting go to the other. Then they untied our hands and had us sit back to back to show we are now supporting each other, as they sang a beautiful song over us. A song about coming home.

We had one last day with the kids. Sharing coffee, laughter and cinnamon rolls. Hiking around the lake and cooking dinner together after loading my car for the move to my new home.

We said goodbye under the glow of the full moon as it hung low in the newborn light of morning. Though my car was packed to the brim, I found room for a box of tissues. Which I would reach for many times along the way.

As the day stretched long, my tears lessened. By the time I reached the South Carolina line, something shifted and the air began to smell like home.

By late afternoon I had crossed into Georgia where the palmettos and live oaks sang to me. A song about coming home. I pulled into the driveway of my new home, exhausted but relieved, and found the keys my agent had left for me. After a quick peek at the house, I unloaded everything. Then headed to the nearest Target to buy cleaning supplies so I could quickly sweep and mop the floors before unrolling my mat for the night.


First thing the next morning, after a cup of dark, rich coffee, I drove out to the ocean and felt the weight of a thousand decisions and worries roll off my shoulders. The gentle waves a welcoming gesture from mother earth. I knew deep within my bones that I was finally home.

The betrayal still hurts at times. And I have moments of confusion and overwhelm in a new city. But I have no doubt that this is where I am meant to be for this next phase of my life. I will always remember the precious love of people and places that were home to me for the last phase of life. But right now, I have found a place of belonging here. Near the ocean where I often see dolphins playing in the water, their sleek bodies gracefully arching above the waves as I stroll the shores. Some mornings the ocean greets me with big beautiful shells and always with the laughter of her waves.

I came to this place alone. And yet I am finding that you are never truly alone when you are at one with yourself, the earth, and her creator.


There is an interesting phenomenon at work. So many things are unfolding for me with striking synchronicity. I met a new friend whose story mirrors my own. I have found lovely pieces of repurposed furniture that feel like they were designed just for me. I’ve been warmly welcomed by neighbors and total strangers. Housewarming gifts sent by dear friends. So many things falling into place in ways I could not have imagined.

And yet, these things didn’t just happen. I had to get into my car, alone, that morning in late May. And before that, I had to make some really hard decisions.

The last few months have been a blur of filling out paperwork and dividing things. Turns out that even an amicable divorce isn’t easy. Not that I ever thought it would be. But at every turn there were more decisions to be made, signatures required, boxes to be filled, exhausting conversations, and letting go.

There have been moments of sheer terror. So many people have told me that I’m so strong. That I’m teaching them how to be brave. I guess brave looks like bursting into tears at the sight of special mementos and then dividing them up and packing up your share. I suppose strong can look like curling into a fetal position and holding yourself tight and then sitting at your computer to set up the electric service in your new home.

Being brave and strong does not mean being a person who does not feel terror, grief or loss. It means you feel all these things, but keep following the path anyway. Because you know in the deepest part of yourself that this is the only way home.

Re-finding home

Being so open and vulnerable with our story has put us in the position to be safe people for others who are going through something similar. And there are many folks out there that are not ready to loose the only home they can imagine. Even if the relationship is all but lifeless. It’s truly terrifying to leave the familiar, even if the familiar is a painful or impossible situation. I get it. Have struggled long and hard with this.

Whatever your situation, if you are self-aware and doing the inner work, you will know if you are truly “home” right now or not. And if you are not, but want to be, if a quiet barefoot back-roads bluejeans kind of country girl can do it, so can you. But if you wait until you are no longer afraid, you will never do it. Courage is hearing a new song about coming home and then getting up and following it while you are still afraid. Bravery is all about shaking with fear but doing it anyway.

Not all of us were born turtles, with our forever home attached to our back. But we can all learn to swim towards the people and places that are singing us home.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.


a family that is re-shaping itself

Twenty five years ago we spent the day smiling for photos, saying “I do”, serving burritos and six different flavors of homemade cake to our guests. The day was full of funny stories, delicious flavors and our favorite people. We walked out to our borrowed car at the end of the day, jaws aching from smiling so much. Sure that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.

Today we spent the day sorting through our attic, dividing up mementos from these last twenty five years. We laughed at some of the silly things we saved and shared many “remember when” stories. It was bittersweet. When I opened the box of Christmas decorations and pulled out the handmade Kantha stockings that represent each person in our family, I fell apart for a bit. All the love we have in this wild and wonderful family came rushing in and it’s hard to imagine this change.

But this change does not make us a broken family. We are just a family that is re-shaping itself. This doesn’t mean we failed. Or fell short. We both poured our hearts into this beautiful family. And have no regrets. Instead we hold so much love and gratitude for what we’ve had and will continue to have. Just in re-shaped ways.


Each of us will have moments in life where the things we have built will crumble in one way or the other. Crumbling doesn’t mean failure. It’s not the end of the world, even though it may feel like it for a long time. Crumbling, while incredibly painful, is also a gift. It is the opportunity to re-shape our life. To discard ways of being that have not served us well. And to build again in ways that honor the deepest, truest parts of ourselves.

Twenty five years ago, we built a life together using the tools we had. We did the best we could and crafted so much beauty and joy. But we have learned so much about ourselves along the way. Faced our own deep pain and traumas. Given each other a safe place to heal. And the healing we have found has changed us each in ways we could not have imagined. We are not the same people that said “I do” twenty five years ago.

If we had remained the same people that we were when we started this journey, we would have failed. Success is not a state of being; it is being present in the journey of wholeness. It is staying with the journey, not an ideal. And our journey has brought us to a place where our paths are separating.


The past couple of weeks have been full of practical steps towards this separation. We agreed on an attorney and filled out paperwork to start the legal process of divorce. We’ve started the task of physically going through the house and dividing up things. I’m looking at houses in a place I have wanted to move to for a very long time. We’re figuring out how to keep running our business and so much more.

It’s a time of both sadness and happiness. A time of remembering and looking ahead. It’s full of feelings and emotions, laughter and tears. It’s bittersweet in the best of ways.

I never imagined that this would be me. But the life I imagined didn’t turn out the way I expected so now I get to re-imagine. Relocate. Rebuild. In so many ways, my worst fears have been realized. And I didn’t die like I thought I would. I’m still here. Stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been before.

Don’t be afraid of the crumbling. Re-shaping your life might end up being the best gift you could receive.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.

A Great Love

I have had a great love and I carried it with me these past two months as I hiked forests, sat beside bubbling falls, walked along the water’s edge, and breathed in the air that can only be found at the edge of the salt marsh. I waited breathlessly for sunrises and sunsets and learned to fill the space in between with a new way of being. As I watched Spring slowly come to coastal South Carolina, and later begin the to brush the edges of the mountains further inland, something within me began to come alive as well.

I came face to face with my alone-ness. I let the terrors come so close they brushed against my cheeks and threatened to undo me. The hurt came and went but slowly I began to breathe again. Lungs full of cleansing air that chilled and filled and soothed.

I realized that I had been living my life asleep. And without the affairs that shattered my world, I may never have woken up.

Waking up

I had always told myself that if Austin ever cheated on me, I would be done. That our marriage would be over.

And then it happened. All my worst fears come true. But everything was murky and suddenly nothing was clear anymore. No matter which angle I came at it from, I couldn’t make any sense of anything. The only thing I knew for sure, was that I needed to have some time away.

At first, I wanted to burn our family photos. Shatter the penguin cup we picked out for our last anniversary. I couldn’t bear to look at the paintings on the walls that we bought in Asian markets during our years abroad. Everywhere I looked, there were reminders of the beautiful life and love we had shared. And it just hurt too much.

Today, I’m sitting in our living room. Surrounded by these mementos of that beautiful life. And I have no regrets. I’m glad I didn’t smash or burn them. I am able to treasure them, even if that part of my life is over.

For I have had a great love.

a great love

The blank page before me
fills the screen
I sit in silence,
wondering how to put
these thoughts into words.
If I were a bird I would sing
a melody so bittersweet
it would halt those passing by
with something hauntingly beautiful
the kind of melody only found
after a needed but terrible
storm has passed.
I have had a great love.
Of this I have no doubt.
It swept me off my feet in the beginning,
pulled the rug out from under me later
left me wondering which side was up
for so long.
And yet
it was a great love.
One that I will treasure
for ever
and always.
This love took me around the world
showed me people and cultures
tropical terrains
sights, sounds, and smells too beautiful
and complex for words.
It gave me 3 amazing sons
that make me fiercely proud.
This love gave me the courage
to dance
to a different tune.
One that was born within
and tenderly nurtured
by the earth
and the Great Spirit
and She who gives birth
to life itself.
But most of all,
this love gave me a friend.
One who loved me
as best he could.
Who taught me to laugh
held me when I cried.
Was there when I woke
to all of my losses.
Tenderly coaxed me
out of my shell
applauded when I 
told my story
faced my demons
stepped into the light.
I have had a great love.
And I will carry it with me
as a part of my wings.
For this love has changed me
in all the best ways.
I'm ready to let the past
be the past.
I have no regrets.
For I have had a great love.

The shift

Something shifted within me during my time away. Something that I still haven’t quite found the words for. But I am trying. As the time came for me to pack up and return home, I was filled with a lot of apprehension. I’ve always loved coming home, but now home did not feel safe anymore.

I couldn’t hide it. Or pretend everything was okay. Hiding is overrated. And pretending slowly sucks the happy out of our souls.

So I was honest. And honesty turned into one conversation which turned into another and I realized with absolute clarity that no matter what, I will always be friends with this beautiful soul who has shared 25 years of my life.

Before I left for South Carolina, I could not imagine remaining friends if our marriage ended. It was too painful. But now I cannot imagine not remaining friends.

finding answers

I didn’t come home with answers. But I came home with honesty and that honesty is leading to the answers.

The biggest shift came in realizing with absolute clarity that I always want to be friends with him. Then I was able to be honest about how difficult it has been for me to go with him to Pride events because they felt threatening to me. To Us. But I realized if I went with him as a friend, instead of his wife, I would be his biggest fan. The relief I felt in my body, at that thought of supporting him as his best friend, was something I did not anticipate. But it was a wake up call to me and I paid attention.

In fact, I feel like all of the things that have shifted and clarified for me are the result of all the years of doing the inner work of self-healing. Of learning to listen to my body.

So when I finally was able to admit to myself that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering if I am the only one, it gave me the final clarity I was looking for. I don’t want to live in question of whether or not I am enough.

finding forgiveness

I have been able to completely forgive Austin for the affairs. And I have no regret for the years we spent together and the beautiful life we had.

In the end, I have come to realize we both have needs and desires that will not be fully met within our marriage. And so we have decided together that marriage is no longer the container for our love and we are moving forward with plans for a divorce.

We have had a great love. Gave it everything we had. We both really wanted this to work. I have no resentment or anger anymore. I am, and always will be, his best friend, biggest fan and loudest cheerleader.

We have had a great love.

Want to hear more? You can also find me on Instagram @maritajmiller and Facebook Beyond The Cocoon. Drop me a line if you want to be added to my email list.